Baby pOoh and FrienDs
Name :Lee MInqi and Haiqi
Nick :Mickey tan and Donald TAn
Age : 13
Zodiac:Pig and dog


Hello Kitty
Pooh's Friends
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Monday, March 3, 2008

gracious and healthy lifestyles

to me is about:
eating balanced meals excersing regularly and developing healthy coping skills

being eloquently and politely

treating my peers, teachers and school leaders with respect and consideration
adopting a positive attitude towards life

having gracious as a school value is very impressive as it shows people the way you are behaving and the way you are talking it gives other people a good impression of our school pupils

we need to be everywhere we are even though we are not wearing our school uniform

having a healthy lifestyle is important as it keeps us as fit as a fiddle

we must eat our meals regularly and not skipping it as it is very bad for our health because it might cause gastric problem

She ended her typings at |2:45 AM|

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

maximising individuals to their fullest potential

what it means to me:

-set our high goals and work hard to archieve them.

-motivate myself and make maximum use of my abilities.

-make learning a life-long habit.

-give my very best in all academic and co-cirricular activties.


i will concentrate on my studies and do well in my academic and co-curricular. i must not only care about my favourite subject but all of them.i must co-operate with the teachers and listen to them when they are talking during lessons. i will work very hard and archeive the grades that i one but not alwys talk in class.

She ended her typings at |8:54 PM|

Saturday, February 23, 2008

FREEDOM! freedom means to me is that i will value group interest over self-interest. i have the right to maintain m y school values and image.i have the freedom of speech but i will not use it to hurt people.i will not destroy public property as others have the freedom to use it. every value have 'freedom' that word in it.what freedom really mean to me is that we got the freedom to do anything but we have to see whether we did it right.freedom doesn't mean that we can do anything without anyone instruction or anything but it is wrong. we have to respect one another and not doing things to hurt them.

She ended her typings at |6:40 PM|

justice to me is about:
having the moral courage to speak up when i see something is wrong
being impartial even at times when the odds are against me
treating everyone fairly regardless of status, race or religion

not doing something that will benefit mself but hurt others
i think justice is a very important school value as this value teaches us to be a better person in life and not to be selfish and only mind about your own and not others. it also tell us to treat each and everyone equally.
we must have justie to prove that the rights are innocent and the wrongs are put behind bars.

She ended her typings at |6:19 AM|

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

integrity is about responsibility. to me responsibility is about being responsible for my actions. we must do what is right when no one is looking. we must not steal or take things which are not ours or do something else behind our friends back to make them got into trouble. Reaching school regularly and punctually is another point of integrity. Most of us will attend school regularly but some of hem dont. this is either lead to oversleeping or miss the bus which brings her to school just in time. we must not be late just because of oversleeping we must take responsibilty f our own sleeping timand make sure that the timing could allow you to reach school earlier before the school started.
Interigty is just mainly about taking responsibilty of whatever you do not just your homework but also your daily activities which are going on everyday.
So do all of you have integrity????:)

She ended her typings at |12:14 AM|

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

People does not always speak the truth and will also lie because they think that once they lie, the truth will always be hidden forever. but we must not lie and we must speak the truth although it may hurt others or your own family members. some examples of what truth means to me is that we do not copy or cheat during anywork or examination we were given. we do not tell tales to other people and last of all we must have the humility to admit our mistakes when we are wrong.
we must speak the truth because i think that truth should be spoken out and not hidden once the truth is hidden you will regret forever due to the mistakes you have made. this makes you a very lonely person. and once the truth is being found out, your friends may not want to be with u anymore because they finally know that you are such a liar make a mistake and do not dare to admit and thus people wll treat you as a coward
i bet this not what you want so whatever u have decided to lie about think twice before you make the right decision!

She ended her typings at |11:06 PM|

In St Joseph's Convent LOVE is also one of our school values because everyone love each other in SJC.
Last week was VAlentines day, the whole sch was exchanging gifts to each other buying balloons for one anothe no one was left out everyone was being loved.
LOVE has lots of meaning not onlybetween a boy and girl relatonship it can also be loving friends and loving an object dearly.
Love is the most important things in our lifes when no one is loved that person will feel extremely lonely and miserable. when there is no love everyone will be very indivisual and not mixing around.
we everytime say'"I love you" but that does not mean i love you as in a boy and girl relationship that is what everyone always misunderstand.
So what we are learning today is to love one another and to appreciate one another and not make them hurt.
So everyone who is reading this post must love one another kays

She ended her typings at |8:14 PM|

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